Personal Injury Lawyers Georgetown, Delaware
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What are Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Delaware?

A Georgetown personal injury attorney explains

Truck accidents in Delaware caused by truck drivers happen for many different reasons. If you or a loved one was injured in a crash caused by a truck driver, knowing what to do next can be confusing. That’s why it’s important to talk with an experienced Delaware truck accident attorney who understands how the system works and what needs to be done to build a strong legal case.

Our truck accident lawyers at Gill, Welsh, and Chamberlain, P.A. know exactly what to do. That’s because our attorneys have more than 81 years of combined legal experience. We’re familiar with the state and federal laws covering truck accidents. We know what evidence matters. We know what strategies work. We are prepared to do the work that needs to be done and figure out just how your truck accident happened.

What was the cause of your truck accident?

There are many different reasons why truck accidents happen. Some of the most common causes of truck accidents we regularly deal with at our law firm involve:

Many truck accidents might seem similar, but the reality is each truck accident is different. That’s why it’s important that you meet with one of our attorneys as soon as possible to discuss the details of your case. That way, you can make informed decisions about what to do next.

Stand up for your rights. Talk to a truck accident attorney.

Even if a truck driver clearly caused your accident, don’t simply assume that your case will be straightforward. Often, complications come up that can put your claim in jeopardy. The truck driver might deny doing anything wrong. The trucking company may do the same. Or they might even try to blame you for causing your crash.

Worst of all, the insurance companies and attorneys representing the truck driver and the trucking company may believe them. Why? Because there’s often thousands or even millions of dollars at stake when it comes to truck accident claims. Insurance companies know this. That’s why they often do everything they can to reduce or deny your claim.

That’s not right. That’s why we want to meet with you and set the record straight. Insurance companies and trucking companies don’t intimidate us. We know how to negotiate with them and demand the money you rightfully deserve. Contact our law firm and schedule your free consultation with a Delaware truck accident attorney who stand up for your rights.

Distracted driving

Distracted truck drivers often cause serious motor vehicle accidents. Sometimes, it’s because commercial truck drivers are texting while driving, which is against the law nationwide. Other times, they may be looking up directions, talking to a dispatcher or changing a radio station while driving. The bottom line is truck drivers need to pay attention at all times on the road. When they don’t and they cause an accident, they need to be held accountable for their actions.

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Driving too fast often results in serious truck accidents. That’s because large commercial trucks need more time to stop and slow down. Fast-moving trucks can also tip over easily on icy roads or when trying to navigate sharp corners. When speeding trucks crash into other vehicles, they often cause serious injuries. When they do, it’s our job to hold the truck driver responsible for his or her actions. You didn’t do anything wrong. You deserve to compensated for your speeding accident.

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Reckless driving

Truck drivers need to follow the rules of the road. Unfortunately, some truck drivers do the exact opposite. They tailgate and drive too close to other vehicles. They weave in and out of traffic. They change lanes without warning. Often, these reckless truck drivers cause serious motor vehicle accidents. Many truck drivers deny doing anything wrong. Our truck accident attorneys know how to uncover the truth. We know how to find the facts and build strong legal cases. You can count on us after your reckless truck accident.

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Poor truck maintenance

Large, commercial trucks need to be properly maintained. This includes regularly checking the brakes to make sure they work properly. Checking the tires to make sure the tread on them is safe. Making sure the truck’s engine doesn’t have any serious mechanical problems. Otherwise, an unsafe truck can cause a serious truck accident. When this happens, we know what to do. We can demand to see the maintenance records for the truck. We know how to analyze accident reports. We’re prepared to do the work that needs to be done to build a strong case.

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Driving a truck under the influence

The dangers of drinking and driving – and driving under the influence of drugs – have been well documented for decades. That’s why there are strict laws in Delaware and across the country against drunk driving and impaired driving. Unfortunately, some truck drivers ignore these laws. When they do, they sometimes cause serious truck accidents. These accidents call for strong legal action. That’s our job. We can investigate your crash and demand the money for your accident-related expenses.

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Falling asleep at the wheel

Many truck drivers work long hours. That’s why truck accidents caused by truck drivers asleep at the wheel are sadly so common. We know how to handle complex cases. One of the first things we check is to see whether the truck driver broke federal Hours of Service (HOS) regulations. These laws limit how many hours truck drivers can legally drive each day. Most commercial trucks have so-called black boxes which record when truck drivers take breaks, along with how fast they were going at the time of the crash. We will leave no stone unturned in pursuit of the truth.

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