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Child Support Lawyer in Georgetown, Delaware

Serving Sussex County since 1983

One of the issues you may be facing in your divorce involves child support. This can be a complicated and contentious issue and it may be difficult to reach an agreement. That’s why you need an experienced attorney on your side. Gill, Welsh, and Chamberlain, P.A. can help guide you through the process.

Discussing child support can be stressful. Both parents want the needs of their child to be met but divorce already involves multiple financial issues. The goal is to reach a child support agreement that is fair and works for everyone, but each parent may have a different idea about what that looks like.

Our law firm helps you reach a solution that works for you

In Delaware, child support is calculated using the Melson Model. This is a formula that uses amounts such as:

  • Each parent’s minimal self-support needs
  • Each child’s primary support needs
  • Work-related childcare expenses
  • Extraordinary medical expenses
  • Standard of living allowances

The model is then used to calculate the amount of child support. This model is useful but it is also complicated. There may be disagreements about each amount used in the formula. Our attorneys fight to make sure that your finances are accurately represented and work to reach a resolution that is fair.

We can help you gather all necessary documents, such as tax returns, W-2 forms, recent pay stubs, and proof of other sources of income. We also gather receipts for school costs, childcare payments and other expenses. Our attorneys carefully review financial documentation from your spouse, as well.

In addition to each parent’s support obligation, there may be additional expenses both parties are responsible for paying. These include the cost of children’s health insurance, childcare expenses and other expenses that were agreed to by both parties or ordered by the court.

Circumstances and financial situations also change over time. We can help you petition for modifications of child support, as needed. We can also help you take legal action if the other parent fails to pay child support. Child support obligations usually end when a child turns 18 and has graduated from high school.

Talk to one of our experienced attorneys

Whether you are getting a divorce through mediation, collaborative law or litigation, we can help you navigate the process every step of the way. Our attorneys consider your goals and your needs, as well as those of your child. We pursue all options to reach a fair and equitable outcome so you can move forward.

People have been turning to our firm for help with their legal needs since 1983. They know that they can count on our lawyers to be honest with them and fight for the best possible outcome. Our clients are fellow residents of Sussex County and of Delaware. We are committed to helping them reach a resolution that meets their needs.

If you are getting divorced in Georgetown or anywhere in Delaware, it’s important to get advice from an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Contact us to schedule a consultation. We can review the details of your situation, go over your legal options and answer any questions you have.

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